Hydronil International
is the branded manufacturer
for cutting edge crystalline
waterproofing systems,
with a focus on a unique
“Multiguard In-depth
Crystalline Therapy”
commonly referred to
as “MICT”.
The name of Hydronil is
synonymous with watertight concrete!
Concrete structures treated with
Hydronil’s MICT based products
are healthier, more sound and resistant
to corrosive chemicals including water and
waterborne contaminants. In the end, what
we get is a highly durable structure.
What Hydronil is
all about?
Hydronil is about quality hydrophilic
crystalline technologies that assure
a watertight concrete. Treatments with
Hydronil technologies begin as a surface
applied slurry, dry shake, or as an
admixture and work as a catalyst to
create a reaction between un-hydrated
cement particles and water within the
concrete. This reaction over time creates
billions of pin like crystals to fill
the pores and capillaries. The process
will continue as long as water and cement
particles are present.